Create InteractiveProduct Demos

Get users to the AHA! moment before even logging in to your product.
Embed it on your landing page.
Present it on a sales calls.

Who Thrives with Demo Monster?

Tailored solutions for diverse business needs. Find out how Demo Monster can transform.

Accelerate Your Startup's Growth

Deploy snackable content at the right moment, guiding users through your product effortlessly. Reduce onboarding friction and accelerate user activation without the need for live demos or trial accounts.

Send a link post sales call to let users understand the value of your product at their own pace. And get detailed analytics on how your demo is performing.

 screenshot dark-mode
sales demo

Use Cases

what to use Demo Monster for

Interactive Product Demos

Get users to that AHA! moment before they sign up.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Get your team aligned with SOPs that are easy to follow and update.

Sales Presentations

Use interactive demos to showcase product features specific to customer needs. This can help potential customers understand the value of your product quickly.

Fancy Features

Yep, we have all the basics of building out an awesome demo.
But we also have some fancy features that will make your demo stand out.

Mo' Choices

Conditional Branching

Let users take different paths through your demo. Use this for a marketplace, or for customers to self segment through your demo. It's a powerful tool to personalize your demo to your customer's needs

Product screenshot

Mo' Insights

Rich Analytics

Collect emails, password gate demos, create custom links, bounce rates, views, completion rates.

Finally get the deep analytics you've been missing on your demos

Product screenshot

Seat based pricing.

We charge based on the number of users that create demos.

Free Mo'

Say hi to Mo' and get started.

$0 per creator per month

  • Desktop App & Chrome extension
  • 2 Team Members
  • 100 views per month
  • Demo Monster Branding
Get started

Little Mo'

Get a little more from Mo'.

$20 per creator per month

  • Desktop App & Chrome extension
  • Unlimited Team Members
  • Unlimited Views
  • Email Capture
  • Basic Analytics
  • Demo Monster Branding
Get started

Big Mo'

Mo' features.

$50 per creator per month

  • Desktop App & Chrome extension
  • Unlimited Team Members
  • Unlimited Views
  • Email Capture
  • Deeper Analytics
  • Use Your Domain
  • 3rd Party Integrations
Get started